Telia trials 5G-connected lighting for broadcasters

A Telia Denmark trial with broadcast company TV2 and lighting specialist BB&S demonstrated how 5G could reduce production costs and complexity.

BB&S provides lighting for Hollywood productions and TV studios all over the world. More than 100 lamps are typically used in studio lighting, and each lamp is connected with a power cable and control cable.

Telia, TV2 and BB&S successfully tested a lighting set-up using only one lamp and 5G connectivity to control lighting and all lamps wirelessly. The solution could significantly reduce costs as well as provide real-time performance data from each lamp to optimise the lighting.

Remote control

The technology could also make it possible to control lighting remotely without the need for technicians to be on set.

“We have looked at the potential business value 5G can bring to our customers and the industries they operate in and found that it has the potential to substantially impact content distribution and content production,” said Claus Berthou Madsen, 5G Program Lead, Telia in Denmark.

“This will give broadcasters new opportunities over a 4G world where delay of signal and the data capacity scarcity is a reality,” added Morten Brandstrup, Head of News technology at TV2. “With 5G, broadcasters will be able to have people at multiple locations in a live interview setup and they will be able to produce large live events without the traditional production truck at the location of the event.”