Telia Norway launches commericlal 5G services

Telia in Norway has switched on its 5G commercial network in Lillestrøm and parts of Groruddalen in the greater Oslo (pictured) region.

Around 40 base stations have been upgraded in Lillestrøm with Ericsson. Throughout 2020, 5G coverage will be expanded in Oslo and the 5G network will also be extended to Trondheim and Bergen.

Telia Norway aims to cover half the Norwegian population with 5G by 2022 and achieve nationwide 5G coverage in 2023.

Stein-Erik Vellan, CEO, Telia Norway, said, “In a time when we really see the importance of our digital infrastructure for keeping the wheels spinning, we are incredibly proud to be able to open our 5G network to customers with Lillestrøm as the first place out.”


Ericsson is the sole radio access network (RAN) supplier for the network, as announced in October 2019. This includes 5G New Radio (5G NR) and spectrum-sharing software, which will enable Telia to share its spectrum between 4G and 5G use. 

Jenny Lindqvist, Head of Northern & Central Europe, Ericsson, commented, “With 5G, technological boundaries are being moved forward to create the biggest innovation platform ever.

“Industries and society will get the support for massive amounts of connected things, for tracking, fleet management, smart metering and other applications. But probably the highest impacting implementation is the support to connect industries to drive automation, making us more efficient, more sustainable and opening up a new world of innovation.”