Telecoms of Tomorrow: New, Free Ebook from Comarch about the Place of AI in Modern Telecommunications

As AI is gaining in popularity, Comarch decided to examine this topic in depth. 

What are the real benefits of AI implementation in the telco industry? 

What can the technology do today, and how will it be able to perform tomorrow? Is it worth taking the first steps today, or is it better to “wait and see”?

In this new ebook, entitled “Telecoms of Tomorrow: The Place of AI in Modern Telecommunications”, Comarch addresses the state of the technology in the telco industry. Self-reliant networks, AI as the most effective employee, utilizing ML in fraud prevention and combining drones with artificial intelligence for creating better FSM solutions – these are the four main areas on which the book focuses. 

What else can you learn from the material?

  • The most common AI applications in telecoms
  • Why your employees should love AI
  • Which industry is the biggest winner when it comes to new technology
  • Self-reliant networks and how to implement them
  • How to fight fraud and other threats in modern telecoms
  • How AI can help you keep your employees safe

Get your free copy now.