T-Mobile hits LTE coverage target in Poland

T-Mobile Polska announced late last week that it has met the coverage obligations attached to its LTE spectrum licences.

The mobile operator won spectrum in the 800MHz band in an auction that concluded in the fourth quarter of 2015 but following some controversy in the spectrum process the regulator waited until mid-2016 to finalise spectrum allocations.

T-Mobile was granted two contiguous 5MHz blocks of 800MHz spectrum.

On Friday it revealed that it has met the terms of that licence award, noting that it has rolled out 6,200-plus LTE base stations in the 800MHz band, and that its LTE network reaches 99.8% of the population in Poland.

In addition, T-Mobile said it is using 800MHz spectrum for narrowband IoT. NB IoT technology is available at more than 900 base stations in over 250 locations.

The announcement came just days after T-Mobile marked the seventh anniversary of its operations in Poland, under its current brand.

The company noted that its Tak Tak prepaid offer dates back 20 years to June 1998 and said it still has several thousand customers that activated their Tak Tak SIM cards that same month.

T-Mobile Polska was born in June 2011, when Deutsche Telekom brought the operator into line with group branding, shedding the old Era moniker.