Swisscom taps Accenture for omnichannel platform

Swisscom hopes to speed up the delivery of new digital services and improve the customer experience with the introduction of new Accenture tech.

The Swiss operator has signed up to use the vendor’s Digital Omni Channel Platform (DOCP), which is designed to offer a consistent experience online, in-store, at call centres, and across mobile apps and social channels.

Accenture said its platform used data and cognitive computing to increase the relevance, precision and hyper-personalisation of services to customers.

Further, it promised to help Swisscom to implement analytics, automation and other technologies with a view to reducing costs. 

In February, Swisscom upped its cost cutting targets after 2017 sales dipped in its home market and EBITDA flatlined compared to the previous 12 months.

John de Keijzer, Swisscom’s Head of Development said: “Market dynamics and consumer demands continue to evolve rapidly.

“Customers today expect every touchpoint along their journey to be easy, seamless and highly personalised.

“To compete successfully, we must be a leader in offering those innovative experiences and look forward to collaborating with Accenture to deliver them.”

Vishaal Gupta, Technology lead for Accenture’s Communications, Media & Technology practice in Europe, added: “Effective collaboration between Swisscom and Accenture, coupled with our strong DNA in agile delivery and next-generation architectures leveraging the DOCP platform, will enable Swisscom to accelerate innovation and launch new digital services to customers more rapidly than ever before.”

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