Swisscom choses Ekinops’ access network virtualisation software

The Swiss incumbent has selected Ekinops to deliver a virtualised network solution on universal customer premises equipment (uCPE).

The branch connectivity solution chosen by Swisscom is part of Ekinops’ Compose portfolio, designed to enable the operator to offer virtualised solutions to enterprise customers without disrupting services.

The solution comprises Ekinops Network Function Virtualization infrastructure (NFVi), OneOS6-LIM middleware (an operating system and local infrastructure manager), allowing access to a catalogue of certified virtualised network functions (VNFs).

This means Swisscom can select any white-box CPE hardware and choose VNFs from third parties and Ekinops, freeing the operator from vendor lock-in and simplifying supplier management.

Migrating to SDN

“We have been really impressed with Ekinops’ expertise and innovation in branch office connectivity and look forward to delivering this truly open and simple-to-deploy solution,” comments Reto Baschera, SVP Marketing B2B at Swisscom.

“The agility and close support we’ve experienced with Ekinops has streamlined our migration towards an SDN [software-defined network] model, allowing us to futureproof our network and expand our service offering.”

Efficient use of resources

The embedded OneOS6 routing functionality frees up processing capacity for other VNFs to enable more efficient use of resources and connectivity of up to 10Gbps for end users. 

OneOS6-LIM software comes with embedded Design Studio to ease configuration and troubleshooting of VNF service chains. With zero-touch provisioning, it also  shortens time to market from design to service delivery.
The full deployment of the software solution within the Live Network of Swisscom will start early 2021.