Better customer experience is top goal for mobile operators in 2022 – Mobileum survey

Neo NXT is helping the next generation take their first steps on the journey towards financial responsibility.

The challenge of 5G testing, monitoring and monetising looms large

Network analytics specialist Mobileum claims customer experience is the top priority for mobile operators in 2022.

It reached this conclusion after a survey of more than 140 conference attendees, representing at least 21 carriers from 55 countries, at the annual WeMeet user group in November 2021. The Conference brings together the industry’s top minds in network intelligence, says Mobileum.

Good network is a people pleaser

The next most desirable outcome for next year is a well-performing and reliable network, which was the priority of 19 per cent of the survey sample. Mitigating security and risk threats heads the agenda for 13 per cent of the delegates while the same number will prioritise cost cutting.

The biggest security threat, robocalling, is also a direct influence on customer experience, suggesting that delegates could kill two birds with one stone. In October it was reported that Mobileum had been appointed by Rakuten Mobile to help the Japanese operator deal with mobile fraud.

Expect big 5G challenges

The top 5G challenges, according to the delegate survey, will be 5G slice revenue assurance and 5G testing and monitoring. 

Mobileum’s survey group were asked what types of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) investments they need to make. In line with the findings on customer experience and security, their top priorities were fraud detection and blocking and network optimisation. Robotic process automation was a third popular category, but there was no further context given.

Let battle for customers commence

“Customer experience will be a key battleground for operators next year,” said Ron Haberman, Mobileum’s chief product officer.

“Network Analytics has always been an important weapon in the CSP arsenal. But 5G changes the breadth and depth of analytics firepower needed across testing and monitoring, roaming, fraud and risk and customer experience,” said Haberman.

In 2021 Mobileum acquired Niometrics, Convene Networks, Developing Solutions, companies that specialise in customer experience management, deep packet inspection and core network testing.