A1 launches “digital traffic light system” for retail social distancing

Today's outmanoeuvred bricks and mortar retailers could be helped to 'pop up' all over the place without sacrificing the omnipotence of their retail IT systems.

A1 Austria is offering an intelligent access control system to support social distancing in shops.

The “digital traffic light system” in the entrance area makes it clear whether customers can enter the shop or have to wait until there are fewer customers inside.

It uses optical sensors, which count visitors at the entrances and exits, and calculates the current occupancy levels based on the shop’s size.

Smart entrance

“With A1 Smart Entrance, companies get an overview of the analyses at any time and can use the data to continuously optimise the shopping experience of their customers,” a statement from the operator said.

“For this purpose, an individual dashboard provides real-time and historical data. This enables retailers to display times with low visitor load on their websites and inform customers about the current load.”

Add-ons are also available which allow retailers to analyse visitor paths, queues and length of stay.

Anonymity assured

A1 says Smart Entrance ensures customer anonymity and data privacy and complies with GDPR legislation. Optical sensors count visitors but no images or biometrical data is stored.

A1 Smart Entrance was developed together with Pygmalios, a technology company specialising in real-time analytics. Its systems are deployed in over 600 shops and service locations.