Oracle-acquired Tekelec well set in growing policy management space

The global policy management software market grew by almost a third last year, according to new data.

In terms of market share, Tekelec, which was this week acquired by Oracle, took second place behind leader Openet in the €605 million market. 

Policy solutions for 3G networks provided much of the momentum, though policy deployments for LTE networks are on the rise as operators integrate policy control to better monetise network investments, according to Infonetics Research, which put the data together.

“Oracle’s acquisition of Tekelec ups the ante in the already hot policy management market, where we’re seeing the smaller players being edged out of deals by larger vendors,” commented Shira Levine, Infonetics Research’s directing analyst for service enablement and subscriber intelligence.

“As operators increasingly look for ‘productised’ solutions that support the easy implementation of use cases and the ability to define and create their own policy rules, many are replacing their first-generation policy management solutions or adding additional policy functionality to augment what’s already in place.”

As a result, many of the niche players with point solutions could be squeezed out of the market, Levine added.

Moving forward, Infonetics predicts the global policy management market to grow to €1.9 billion in 2017.