Now Factory launches new Mobile Moments suite

The Now Factory announced today that it has launched its new Mobile Moments 4.0 suite, which comprises a number of integrated applications that deliver a holistic view of the subscriber data journey across the service provider’s key business and operational functions.  Enabled through The Now Factory’s Sourceworks IP probes and the Active Subscriber Intelligence (ASI) platform, Mobile Moments 4.0 is said to provide service providers with the tools they need to drive greater profitability across their IP networks as well as optimise the subscriber experience.

With the emergence of new smart devices such as the iPhone, data usage has grown rapidly as subscribers demand more interactive and personalised services. While this growth represents an opportunity for service providers to generate incremental revenues, it also throws up significant challenges around preventing negative network performance impacts, delivering on subscriber throughput expectations as well as profitably delivering and managing IP services.

Mobile Moments 4.0 is said to be designed to address the these challenges by delivering a holistic view of the subscriber data journey across the service provider’s key business and operational functions. Its key strength lies not only in the wide range of applications it offers but also in the way it automatically adapts to changing subscriber and network behavior across all devices and services.
Using Mobile Moments 4.0, service providers can:

 Optimise network and service performance from a subscriber perspective
 Reduce the time it takes to diagnose and resolve subscriber support issues
 Understand the products, services & devices that excite subscribers and deliver compelling propositions & marketing campaigns
 Align network investments with revenue generation

Commenting on the release of Mobile Moments 4.0, Tom Morrisroe, Chief Executive Officer with The Now Factory said, “As the growth in IP services continues at a rapid pace, our new Mobile Moments suite equips service providers with the necessary understanding of subscriber data usage, which they can translate into greater profits and cost-efficiencies across their business.”