NOS aims to speed 5G roll-out and digitalisation of Portuguese firms

The operator has entered into a partnership to leverage the KAIZEN Institute’s consulting expertise and methodology.

NOS, the Portuguese operator, has teamed up with the KAIZEN Institute with the aim of accelerating the deployment of 5G and digital transformation of the country’s companies and institutions. It provides mobile and fixed telephony, cable television, satellite television and internet services.

The KAIZEN methodology was devised by Toyota in Japan in the 1980s and is all about lean management and continuous improvement throughout every layer of organisations.

The operator’s growth strategy – like that of so many others – is to bring greater value to the operations and services of its corporate clients, through the design and implementation of optimised 5G projects, which lead to the digitisation of national companies.

5G to drive digitalisation

It says that through this partnership, companies from different sectors – industrial, retail, healthcare, logistics, among others – will have direct access to the digital consultancy and innovation within the scope of 5G, which will allow them to become more efficient and competitive.

NOS reckons that equipment sensing, industrial automation and augmented reality are the most likely candiates to improve production and maintenance processes, and can be best enabled by 5G.

Manuel Ramalho Eanes, an Executive Board Director at NOS (pictured), commented, “The implementation of the 5G network is the fundamental basis for the country’s growing digitalization and a decisive step to stimulate the economy of the future.

“At NOS, we are focused on creating the conditions so that companies, institutions and people can quickly start taking advantage of the new world of opportunities that 5G brings, and this partnership with the Kaizen Institute is another step in that direction ” .