Nordic Telecom calls for Czech spectrum auction to better support newcomers

Nordic Telecom has called for the upcoming Czech auction of 5G spectrum to allow more frequency for newcomers to boost competition.

Nordic Telecom made the comments to a public consultation from the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTO) about the allocation procedure for the frequencies in the 700MHz and 3400-3600MHz bands.

“Our models show that we could not become a full-fledged competitor to today’s mobile operators because we would not have enough frequencies,” said David Voska, Nordic Telecom’s External Relations Director.

“It is important to realise that even if the CTU fully complies with our comments, we will still not have as much bandwidth as any of the three current mobile operators already today,” he added.

Shorter deadlines

Nordic Telecom also called for roll-out deadlines to be shortened.

Currently, operators in the auction will have to commit to delivering coverage to underserved cities, reaching 95% within three years. A target has also been set for to connect transportation corridors and 95% of towns and cities with populations over  50,000 by 2025.

The company said reducing these deadlines would “support serious candidates interested in the rapid development and deployment of mobile networks on the frequencies offered and exclude those who would use the frequencies only for speculation.”

The CTU has one month to respond to the comments received in the consultation.