Nokia, Telefónica improve capacity at Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium

Nokia has rolled out centralised RAN and a small cells network in Valencia, and deployed mobile edge computing in research with a Russian non-profit.

The vendor has improved capacity and uplink speeds in Valencia’s Mestalla Stadium, allowing fans to upload content quicker, extend the battery life of their devices and improve download speeds.

It worked with Telefónica on the project, which involved its Flexi Multiradio 10 base station, its Flexi Zone small cells and its Flexi Lite base station.

The stadium hosts more than 50,000 spectators and the vendor said its RAN solution would combine multiple base stations to turn interference into traffic.

Joaquín Mata, Network Technology and Operations Director at Telefónica Spain, said: “Telefónica remains committed to building a cutting-edge network infrastructure in Spain, using innovative solutions that offer outstanding service quality in spite of exceptional circumstances. With Nokia, we will improve mobile broadband performance at Mestalla Stadium so our customers can share content easier.”

Agustín Menchén, Telefónica Spain account head for Mobile Networks  at Nokia, added: “Major events impose high demands on mobile operators, but with the right vendor and solutions, it is possible to meet the needs of large numbers of people in small areas. Nokia Centralised RAN will help Telefónica build a denser LTE network to deliver higher capacity and more robust services.”

Meanwhile, Nokia is working with Russia technology non-profit Skolkovo Foundation to advance the development of mobile edge computing.

The vendor is working with the foundation’s community of start-ups to show how applications such as video can be used within Nokia’s mobile edge computing platform.

By hosting applications and functions closer to users, operators can reduce the levels of network congestion when thousands of users are trying to access the network at the same time.

Both organisations are already working on research involving LTE and 5G, cloud and cloud RAN, and the Internet of Things. They are planning to open an R&D lab at the Skolkovo Innovation Centre to foster solutions that will meet future mobile data demand.

Igor Bogachev, Vice-President, Executive Director of Information Technology Cluster, Skolkovo Foundation, said: “The Skolkovo Foundation’s IT Cluster together with our partners leads an integrated development and support program for innovative companies. Nokia has been a key partner of the Foundation since 2011.

“By participating in Nokia’s Mobile Edge Computing international initiative Russian startups will receive the help needed to advance to a new technological level and gain success in global markets.”