New data demand, new network? Deliver Het Net performance now

Webinar now available to view

Mobile broadband demand is increasing at an astonishing rate. At the current rate of adoption it will not be long before operators with legacy network architectures will lack the performance needed to deliver adequate Quality of Experience for consumers and the financial performance needed for operators to prosper.

The panel discuss:

• Can Operators really keep with the legacy approach?
• The big picture – the interplay between macro and small cells to deliver Het Net functionality now.
• The role of small cells to enhance user experience – can you build brand loyalty with a superior QoE?

Peter Jarich, Service Director, Service Provider Infrastructure, Current Analysis
Simon Saunders, Chair, Small Cell Forum
Bernd Herold, Light Radio Program Lead, Alcatel-Lucent

Date held: 3pm BST / 4pm CET, Thursday 14 June, 2012.