Millimeter wave equipment market to near half-billion dollars by 2014 – report

Market research firm, Infonetics Research, today released a new Millimeter Wave Equipment Market Outlook report, which provides market size, vendor market share, forecasts, and analysis for E-band and W-band millimeter wave radios used in access, backhaul and transport networks.

“Millimeter wave equipment based on E-band spectrum has characteristics — namely higher frequencies and single-channel configurations — that enable it to address several key markets,” said Richard Webb, directing analyst for mobile devices at Infonetics Research. “For instance, in the US, a total of 13 Gigahertz of band is available, easily accommodating Gigabit Ethernet with relatively simple radio architectures and without complex modulation schemes. The fact that the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz frequency bands are configured as two single channels means traditional frequency planning does not apply. These unique characteristics enable a high degree of frequency re-use, and allows operators to configure links in close proximity to one another without interference concerns, making it effective for short-haul, high-capacity links in dense metro areas for mobile backhaul, fiber extension, or campus LANs,”

Report highlights include:
.       Millimeter wave technology is still in its infancy, particularly when compared to the much larger, well established microwave equipment market, which is expected to reach $6.5 billion by 2014
.       Although relatively small, the worldwide E-band and W-band millimeter wave equipment market is fast-rising, with worldwide revenue forecast to grow to $458.5 million in 2014
.       W-band millimeter wave radios are expected to begin shipping in 2012
.       By 2014, nearly 3/4 of all millimeter wave equipment purchased will be for mobile backhaul applications as the demand for high capacity mobile backhaul solutions for metro areas with high cell density increases with the deployment of 4G networks
.       Millimeter wave specialist BridgeWave leads the millimeter wave equipment market with over  half the world’s revenue in 2009
.       Market share standings are expected to shake up once the big microwave vendors (Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, Huawei, NEC, NSN, etc.) launch millimeter wave products in 2010 and 2011

Infonetics’ Millimeter Wave Equipment Market Outlook provides worldwide and regional market size, vendor market share, analysis, and forecasts through 2014 for E-band (75-90 GHz) millimeter wave equipment by network application (access, backhaul, transport), as well as forecasts for W-band (75-110 GHz) millimeter wave equipment.

The report tracks units sold, manufacturer revenue, and average revenue per unit (ARPU) and provides market share for BridgeWave, E-Band Communications, GigaBeam, LightPointe, Loea, and Proxim. The report also tracks equipment (but not market share) of ADC, Alcatel-Lucent, Asyrmatos, CableFree, Elva-Link, Ericsson, G4, NEC, Rayawave, Siklu, Trango, and others.