Mobile marketing and the operator

Maja Lapcevic from mobile marketing services provider Internteq talks about advances over the past year in mobile marketing, and what operators should be doing to benefit from the mobile marketing opportunity.

“Brands are dedicating a lot more budget and paying a lot more attention to the mobile channel,” she says. “Mobile operators have a huge opportunity. They have their subscriber bases in their hands and it’s up to them to cultivate that asset by offering partners a chance to utilise this opt-in database, and to profile their subscribers so they are able to offer them relevant products and services.”

But what should the operators’ role be? “Operators provide excellent service in terms of communication and data but when it comes to marketing, I think they should really leave it up to marketers to do the job.” Working in this manner is to the benefit of all parties, Lapcevic says.

For example, Internetq’s audience profiling can provide operators with a segmented database to allow them to drive further marketing opportunities, such as third party direct response campaigns, loyalty programmes and the building of mobile communities.

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