Italy’s LTE spectrum awarded

The results are in in Italy’s spectrum auctions, with operating companies awarded spectrum in the 800Mhz, 1,800MHz and 2.6GHz bands.

Vodafone Italy has been awarded a total of 60 MHz (2×30 MHz) of new spectrum, after bidding €1.26 billion for a total of 20 MHz (2×10 MHz) in the 800 MHz band, 10 MHz (2x5MHz) in the 1800MHz band, and 30 MHz (2x15MHz) in the 2.6 GHz band. The 800 MHz ‘digital dividend’ spectrum will become available in January 2013, the 1800MHz band will become available by the end of 2011 and the 2.6 GHz spectrum band will become available by the end of 2012.

WIND said that the combination of the acquired 800 MHz and 2,600 MHz blocks will allow Wind to exploit the LTE technology to the maximum performance as well as provide the service with high quality indoor coverage.

Telecom Italia acquired 2×10 MHz 800MHz blocks for a total €992.2 million and one 10 MHz 1800MHz lot for €159.0 million, plus three lots of FDD spectrum in the 2.6GHz band for a total €109.1 million.

3 Italia  took the two TDD blocks in the 2.6GHz band for €74.0 million and two lots of FDD spectrum in the 2.6GHz band for €72.4 million, as well as a block in the 1800MHz band, for €158.9 million. It received no spectrum in the 800MHz band.