EXFO-Intel hybrid can see fault from the chip to the cloud
Network scrutiniser EXFO has blended its powers of analysis with Intel’s to extend its scrutiny of networks into the cloud. It aims to use this power to instantly audit 5G network operators by identifying and correlating service degradation issues. Their offering helps to automate ‘cloud specific assurance’ regardless of whether faults stem from the network, the service layers or the cloud-native network infrastructure. This has been difficult to pin down so far, leading to finger pointing by engineers.
MNOs bleeds
This advance in auditing is desperately needed by mobile network operators because 81% of operators expect 5G networks will be more difficult to troubleshoot than 4G networks, according to joint research from Heavy Reading and EXFO. Worse still fault detection and correlation are more difficult in cloud-native networks, say 69% of operators. The lack of decent cloud-specific assurance tools forces 74% of them to rely on manual processes. EXFO’s ‘full-stack assurance’ uses Intel’s powerful perception to give managers omnipotent vision across the entire span of operator networks. Operators can assess the operational state from the chip to the cloud, allowing faults to be isolated or correlated across all network domains. Together, the EXFO and Intel technology expedites the resolution and obviates domain-specific fault denial, they claim.
5G ‘experiences’
Intel’s Xeon Scalable Processors, with built-in artificial intelligence (AI) and network function virtualisation (NFV) accelerators, provide the foundation for creating the fabled 5G experiences. Meanwhile Intel’s Platform Telemetry Insights provide a detailed view into the cloud-native infrastructure operations. Operators can see right into the foundations of the infrastructure and assess operational metrics, including health, utilisation, congestion, power consumption and configuration checks, claimed Intel’s release.
Service assurance
By adopting CNCF’s OpenTelemetry project, Intel provides a standard implementation for the industry to benefit from infrastructure observability, according to Alex Quach, General Manager of Intel’s Wireline & Core Network Division. “Service assurance in mobile networks is relatively well understood,” said Quach, “but the new challenge for most operators was getting sight of the cloud-native infrastructure.” This added a new dimension but not any more. “Operators can detect, correlate and resolve faults wherever they originate, significantly reducing time to resolution,” said Philippe Morin, EXFO’s CEO.