Huawei updates SDN engine, promises 40% efficiency boost

Huawei has released a new software-defined networking (SDN) algorithm that it claims can boost the resource efficiency of IP and optical networks by 40 percent.

Flow Engine 2.0, a traffic optimisation engine for centralised route computation and resource allocation, is designed to be built into SDN controllers and allows resources to be automatically designated across IP and optical layers.

[Read more: Huawei, Telefónica complete trial of SDN-based IP/optical tech]

According to Huawei, the engine offers a boost of more than two-fifths compared to “conventional” networking, with a 100 percent increase feasible in some scenarios.

The vendor likened its application to GPS in vehicle scheduling, claiming the engine can help operators to better navigate service and traffic management challenges and batch service provisioning.

Huawei said: “In vehicle scheduling the GPS system has to simultaneously analyse a number of aspects, including traffic and road maintenance in order to direct the driver along the most appropriate route.

“Although the idea is simple, when combining tens of thousands of nodes and millions of routes, it is hard to determine if the real-time calculation is the most optimal. Using a real-time algorithm improves the output.”

Flow Engine 1.0 was released by Huawei last year, which led to the vendor deploying the “world’s first” commercial software-defined network with Beijing Telecom.

The company is currently working with partners in an effort to speed up the commercialisation of SDN by creating an “open ecosystem” for telcos.