Huawei: Governments need to give telcos more backing

Governments and regulators need to do more to support the telecoms industry by freeing up spectrum and helping with the roll out of coverage, the Rotating CEO of Huawei has claimed.

Ken Hu, Huawei’s Rotating CEO, said despite the sharp rise in mobile device adoption rates and data usage, connecting people was still the main priority for the telco industry.

He told delegates at the vendor’s Global Mobile Broadband Forum in Hong Kong that four billion people still lacked internet access. He said more needed to be done to bring those in the developing world online.

“We hope regulators in different countries will grant more spectrum to mobile operators and help fund the roll out of mobile services. [We need] a more inclusive and balanced approach.”

Hu discussed the vendor’s Broadband 2020 strategy, which focuses on spectrum, air interface, network architecture, integrated base stations and a user experience led approach from operators. He said: “From now until 2020, we have three main targets: supporting 6.7 billion mobile broadband users, supporting a 1Gbps access rate, and supporting 1 billion connections for the cellular Internet of Things.”

Huawei has identified the C-Band, lying between 3.4GHz and 4.2GHz, as a key means of meeting future mobile broadband demands. 

A new report from Huawei, GSMA and Plum Consulting claimed C-band services could co-exist with the likes of satellite and fixed link services. 

The band will be under discussion during the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), which begins today in Geneva.

David Wang, President, Huawei Wireless Networks, said: “Administrations around the world should make available larger amounts of contiguous spectrum to meet the demand for high speed connectivity in more densely populated environments. C-Band discussions during the WRC-15 offer a unique opportunity which should not be missed.

“This joint report highlights the substantial social and economic benefits associated with mobile broadband use of the C-Band on a shared basis with existing services.”

Meanwhile, HKT and Huawei have demonstrated speeds of 1.2GBps on what they described as the world’s first 4.5G network.

The operator and vendor aggregated four carriers in the demonstration, held at its Global Mobile Broadband Forum event in Hong Kong, hitting speeds 2.6 times that of a three carrier LTE-Advanced network.


Huawei said it expected the first 4.5G network to be commercially launched next year, which would help power IoT networks and new mobile broadband applications such virtual reality.