Empirix Extends Mobile Broadband Solution to Support LTE and 4G Services

Empirix has announced the availability of LTE (Long Term Evolution) and SAE (System Architecture Evolution) technology support in its IPXplorer solution as part of the X-DMA (XMS Distributed Monitoring Architecture).


Only Empirix gives network operators the ability to view the performance of a network and its services through the use of a single solution. Unified visibility for voice and data across current, legacy and 4G technologies puts Empirix customers in an unrivalled position for providing consumers with a quality user experience.

The latest standard in mobile network technologies, LTE networks are designed to increase the capacity and speed of mobile networks. One limitation of conventional assurance products is the inability to provide comprehensive visibility into both the customer experience (the user plane) and data transmission (the control plane). Consequently, network operators have limited vision into their customers’ overall quality of experience (QoE), potentially mitigating the investment in LTE technologies. Empirix offers network operators a better and guaranteed option.

“The network evolution path from HSDPA to HSPA+ and LTE is becoming increasingly clear. These technologies, combined with the increasing availability of a suitable spectrum, should provide MNOs with the capacity needed to meet increasing demand,” said Patrick Kelly, research director, Analysys Mason. “Mobile operators are seeking solutions that can measure network load, but more importantly, any impact to the subscriber, from peak loads on the network to access points. Empirix is bringing solutions to the market that look at both network usage and any impact to services that may cause a poor subscriber experience.”
Empirix’s LTE network support gives network operators the ability to understand the performance and interaction of multiple mobile technologies through one platform. This unified view, which merges user and control plane visibility, enhances an operator’s ability to quickly head-off or resolve issues that impact consumer QoE. In addition, Empirix’s LTE support also provides a framework for voice and messaging services delivered by IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Combining its market leading IMS capabilities with LTE support makes it possible for Empirix customers to reduce the time needed to get networks into production and deliver high quality services.

“By expanding on Empirix’s existing offerings for mobile broadband technologies, the support we now offer for LTE and SAE technologies is unparalleled,” said Franco Messori, general manager and chief strategist, Service Assurance, Empirix. “Providing visibility into the consumer experience across mobile networks enables operators to take a more proactive approach to assure the highest quality service every time. Empirix has a long-standing history in this marketplace and continues to dominate with technological advances—our latest support for LTE and SAE networks illustrates Empirix’s leadership as a market leading mobile solution provider.”

The introduction of LTE technology includes the need for new access technologies, many of which require an upgrade to SAE, also known as EPC (Evolved Packet Core), a key aspect of the LTE standard. SAE technology enables access to a variety of technologies on the same network. The Empirix IPXplorer probe, a leading mobile broadband network optimization tool, utilizes SAE technology to offer a unique analysis of control and user plane data, enabling network operators to achieve a high quality operational status in a much faster timeframe. Additionally, by allowing mobile network operators to view the whole network through a single solution, operators have the ability to identify problems in handset devices, and monitor and balance heavy usage of the network, thus reducing the risk of poor customer experience.

Empirix customers will recognize an immediate benefit to the enhanced mobile broadband support. In addition to enhanced network quality, Empirix LTE network support translates to significant cost savings. As a single probe, IPXplorer results in a lower CAPX (capital expenditure) and OPEX (operational expenditure) for the operator. Using one platform to gain a full network view allows network operators to reduce training costs as well as receive one authentication and billing process, offering companies the opportunity to ensure budgets closely align with core business processes.