Cosmote switches on Greece’s first FTTH connection

Cosmote has activated Greece’s first Fibre to the Home connection and is planning to install the technology across the country by 2022 through a €2 billion investment plan.

The connection was switched on at OTE Group’s offices in Palaio Faliro and fixed line speeds of up to 1GBps were achieved.

The next step is to connect around 150,000 buildings in Attica, Thessaloniki and other major cities with FTTH by the end of next year. By 2022, it aims to connect one million household and businesses with FTTH.

The technology will bolster OTE Group’s existing fibre network of more than 43,000 kilometres of cable, which connects more than three million households and businesses.

Michael Tsamaz, Chairman and CEO of the Group, said FTTH technology was an integral part of the operator’s strategy. He said: “With realistic steps, a specific strategy and an investment plan of €2 billion by 2022, we will bring fiber optics to even more households and businesses, paving the way to the Gigabit Society.

“Through the next-generation networks that we’re creating across the country, we create unique communication and entertainment experiences. With technology, we create a better world, for all.”

It has been a busy week for fibre technology with Telefónica Deutschland announcing on Tuesday that it was launching it as part of a network expansion. Its initial target is connecting 1,500 sites.

Three UK also signed a deal with week with SSE Enterprise to give it better access to fibre networks and boost its preparations for launching 5G.