Cisco to help UK transport networks get mobile as part of $100m investment

Cisco is pledging to build next generation mobility services for transport networks as part of a $100 million investment in the United Kingdom. 

The vendor is planning to launch new connectivity initiatives along road networks and railway lines, as well as vowing to solve the challenges facing cybersecurity and connectivity.

It also plans to commercially launch its Project SWIFT Wi-Fi network, which was being trialled across the Scottish rail network.

The mobility plans formed just one plank of a wide-ranging announcement by Cisco. The most eye-catching was a new artificial intelligence centre, located at University College, London and housing more than 200 researchers and academics when it opens later this year. It will explore how AI can benefit the likes of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, transport and retail.

Other projects announced include the creation of a digital inclusion model for the UK’s ageing population and partnerships exploring clean energy.

[Read more: Cisco splashes cash with new $1 billion smart cities fund]

Chuck Robbins, Chairman and CEO, Cisco, said: “Technology is permeating everything we do, not only opening up new markets, but creating more opportunities for individuals, businesses, and countries.

“Cisco is committed to driving innovation in the UK and to our continued partnership with the UK government through our Country Digital Acceleration programme.

“We believe that the UK’s expertise in AI and its commitment to making sure future innovators have the right digital skills will help ensure the nation’s citizens are well-positioned to capture the opportunity ahead.”

According to research from Cisco and Gartner, the UK ranks fifth in the world for fostering digital creativity through the likes of its infrastructure, skills, business and government investment, and its start-up culture.