Nokia, SK Telecom hold IoT network trial

Nokia Networks and SK Telecom have held the latest trial of a low-powered, LTE-based IoT network.

The test was held in SK Telecom’s R&D centre and marked the first time the tech has been trialled in Korea.

It used Nokia’s Flexi Multiradio 10 Base Station and IoT devices from GCT Semiconductor.

Nokia said the tech helps reduce modem complexity and cut costs. The Power Saving Mode in the modems allows batteries in the likes of water or gas monitors to last more than 10 years without power supply or replacing the battery.

The vendor said it was using the NB-LTE technology it has developed with other vendors such as Ericsson in the trial.

It is one of the technologies currently being examined by 3GPP, as it looks to set out a definition for NB-IoT. Details of the technology will be revealed in 2016.

The standards body is also looking at proposals submitted by a consortium including Huawei and Vodafone, which have been backing so-called C-IoT technology.

The rival cellular technologies are vying for dominance about which should power wide-area networks.

Last week Nokia was one of the founding members of a forum that aims to help promote NB-IoT once the specifications have been thrashed out.

Jin-hyo Park, Senior Vice President and Head of Network Technology R&D centre, SK Telecom, said: “With this trial, we have successfully verified the capabilities of our IoT technology in resolving challenges posed by power supply and inefficient battery use, which are obstructing the widespread adoption of IoT devices.

“In collaboration with Nokia Networks, we will continue to push the boundaries for IoT and pave the path for broader application of services powered by this next-generation technology.”

Andrew Cope, Head of Korea, Nokia Networks, added: “This achievement, a country-first, adds another important dimension to our relationship with SK Telecom as we set the pace for the telecommunications industry in Korea.

“Moreover, it underlines our focus on setting the platform for the global adoption of LTE as a technology-of-choice for IoT, evolving to NB-LTE for IoT in the future, as we head towards a world where everyone and everything is connected.This marks yet another step forward on Nokia’s goal of bringing NB-LTE to life.”