TeliaSonera CTO steps down

Sverker Hannervall is stepping down as TeliaSonera’s Group CTO, the Scandinavian operator has announced.

No reason was given for Hannervall’s departure, which has triggered a shake-up of the company’s senior management and wider technology strategy.

In a statement, the operator credited Hannervall with being part of establishing a new operating model and “an important part of the change in TeliaSonera”.

The outgoing CTO will remain as a senior adviser to the CEO and the wider executive management team in “ICT related strategic matters” while he serves his notice period, it added.

Hannervall leaves TeliaSonera after seven years to be replaced by Staffan Åkesson, who is stepping up from his role as VP of Service Assurance and Operations to be acting Group CTO.

As part of the changes, Malin Frenning will take on a new role that oversees the operator’s tech strategy and TeliaSonera’s ongoing transformation program, “Invest to save”.

Frenning was head of the company’s Sweden business unit.

CCO Hélène Barnekow takes up Frenning’s role with Jonas Hasselberg and Jannike Grüner moving up to co-act as CCO.

[Read more: TeliaSonera senses opportunity with new IoT investment]

Earlier this month, TeliaSonera announced it was investing in Spotify as it looks to build on its existing partnership with the music streaming service.

The operator made a profit of €440 million on sales of €2.8 billion in the first three months of the year.

Click here to watch a video interview with Hans Dahlberg, Head of M2M Services at TeliaSonera.