Truphone aids financial compliance with Nice deal

Truphone’s mobile recording technology has been integrated with financial company Nice’s Trading Recording System, allowing financial institutions to comply with trading regulations. 

The recording solution allows financial agencies to record voice, instant messages and data across fixed and mobile networks. Truphone’s product has been integrated into Nice’s Communication Surveillance platform, which it said gives financial institutions compliance control and the ability to investigate communications.

Nice said by integrating Truphone’s product into its suite, it will be able to help financial companies comply with international regulations set by the likes of the FCA in the UK and Dodd-Frank in the US. They require that companies capture and store mobile communications that relate to specific trades.

Paul Liesching, Senior Vice President, Truphone Mobile Recording, Truphone, said the deal will enable Nice customers to support their mobile compliance and governance requirements “across four continents”.

At the beginning of the summer, Truphone upped its capacity by offering roaming in 66 countries. The companies allows its customers to call from eight countries without having to pay roaming charges.

The company has said its customer base more than doubled between the fourth quarter of 2013 and the first quarter of this year.

Yaron Morgenstern, General Manager, Financial Markets Compliance, Nice, commented: “We believe that our partnership with Truphone will provide significant benefits to our global customers. The growth of mobile capture is important to Nice as we continue to offer our customers secure, intelligent multichannel compliance software to help manage the ever changing compliance rules and challenges.” 

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