Transatel’s Affirmed faith in NFV

MVNE Transatel is the latest company to explore network functions virtualisation, with plans to offer real time mobile data control and charging to its customers.

The company, which has helped to launch more than 150 MVNOs during the past 10 years, has signed a deal with Affirmed Networks for its Mobile Content Cloud product. Transatel said it will use the product to move away from legacy infrastructure and allow it to create and launch products in hours and days, compared to months previously.

Jacques Bonifay, CEO of Transatel, said: “In the M2M and Internet of Things space, Transatel offers a comprehensive embedded connectivity solution for consumer device manufacturers and distributors to embed connectivity into their devices – such as PC, tablets, and gaming devices- at the time of manufacturing via soldered SIM card and benefit from local connectivity in the country of commercialization, whilst supporting advanced economic models, such as B2B2C and split billing, effectively becoming data MVNOs.

“Affirmed Networks’ virtualization solution is a key component to support these various economic models in real-time mobile data control and charging, radically simplifying the way new services are created and launched, and monitored for our customers’ benefits.”

Hassan Ahmed, Chairman and CEO of Affirmed Networks, said: “We admire Transatel’s forward thinking vision of the consumer device market and the role the MVNO model will play in this market to bring differentiated services to subscribers.”

Last week, BT became the latest company to launch an NFV trial, signing a deal with Ipanema to explore future uses of virtualised technology.

Delegates at last month’s LTE World Summit in Amsterdam were told that NFV, along with LTE and 5G, were ways of operators overcoming declining revenues and OTT threats.

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