Mobile Video Breaks One Million Paid Monthly Transaction Mark

Oplayo, the leading mobile video ASP backed by Nokia and Siemens, has today announced it passed the one million monthly paid video transactions via its Oplayo Managed Media Services (OMMS).

The service was launched with three operators in mid November 2004 and by mid-December, surpassed the one million paid video downloads and streams mark.

Philip Bourchier O’Ferrall, MD, Oplayo UK comments: “Oplayo has again demonstrated its competence in the mobile video market by generating the most monthly paid video transactions of any mobile video solutions provider in Europe. It’s an exciting time for the mobile content market and Oplayo is able to offer mobile content providers and operators with a real opportunity to increase data revenue and profit.”

O’Ferrall continues: “Oplayo expects the monthly paid transactions to far exceed the million mark now that we are able to complement the OMMS system with our Affiliate Scheme. The Affiliate Scheme empowers affiliate managers or Webmasters with a simple way to start offering mobile video – offering truly global sales promotion.”

Oplayo OMMS, is a fully hosted solution that requires minimal upfront investment, is designed to minimise the commercial and technology risks associated with a new mobile service launch for operators.

The system supports 3GPP but, with such a limited market for 3GPP at present, the initial customers have opted for Oplayo’s proprietary streaming products OplayerJV Java-based for the mass market and Oplayer for Symbian handsets, as well as Oplayo’s popular player-less download product, Oplayo Vidlet, featuring true mass market, viral distribution and interactivity.