Neural Technologies and Cerebrus Solutions join forces

Neural Technologies and Cerebrus Solutions have announced that they have joined together, creating a market leader in the provision of neural network-based credit, risk and fraud management solutions to the telecommunication and financial sectors

The new company, which will be called Neural Technologies Limited, will immediately be providing a broad range of solutions that includes the ability to identify potential fraudsters when they initially apply for service on the operator’s network, through to when they are actually committing fraud as a subscriber. The company has more than 30 patents approved or pending and plans to aggressively enforce specific patents that relate to finding fraud in telecom networks with the use of neural network technology. 

The new company will have over 40 customers, located in the United States, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, New Zealand/Australia, Asia Pacific and South America. They are some of the largest telecom operators in the world and many others that are primary operators in their respective geographical region. 

The new company will continue supporting the existing traditional fraud management systems known as Minotaur and CerebrusRE, from each company.  Existing customers will see no change in their technical support processes, or in the way that they request additional enhancements to each of the products. 

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Neural Technologies
Cerebrus Solutions