Mobilkom Austria introduces missed call SMS alerts

mobilkom austria, Austria´s leading mobile operator, has launched Tecnomen´s Missed Call Notice to more than 3 million subscribers. Missed Call Notice alerts subscribers about calls diverted to voice mail and the caller does not leave a message. With Missed Call Notice, mobilkom austria can provide customers with an easy-to-use, innovative service, which helps manage their personal communication.

Tecnomen has developed a wide range of voice mail services in response to operators´ needs to increase voice mail and other voice services usage and revenues. Missed Call Notice keeps track of missed calls, noting the caller’s number, and the time and date of the call, and delivers this information by SMS. Missed Call Notice also keeps track of the number of times the person has called as well as information about the first and last call made.
“Resulting from our long-term, close co-operation with Tecnomen, we can rely on the maturity of their solution and on their flexibility. In today´s hectic life, we are happy to launch this new service to help our customers in their daily communications”, says Alexander Kuchar, Head of Division, Mobile Service Network, mobilkom austria.
“Tecnomen has accompanied mobilkom austria from the very beginning on its road as the innovative market leader in Austria. We are very proud to help mobilkom austria to launch this enhanced service offering to their customers,” says Mr Eero Mertano, Vice President, Sales, Tecnomen. “Missed Call Notice is really an easy-to-use, mass market service. It is an addition to the phone´s missed call function as notification is provided even if the phone is out of coverage or turned off, or if the line is busy.”

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