Acision launches white-label OTT messaging service, diameter signalling product

Acision has launched a white-label OTT messaging service for operators and a diameter intelligent signalling controller (DISC) as it looks to capitalise on growing demand for 4G LTE.

Fuze, the US-based vendor’s OTT product, is available for both iOS and Android smartphones and can adapted by a network or a brand for its customer base or employees. 

The product is RCS compliant, meeting standards set by the GSMA, and features a split-screen experience, allowing users to have two private chats at the same time or view content, as well as the ability to share content via drag and drop between screens. Users can also sign up to RSS feeds and content.

Acision’s Fusion product provides the backend cloud infrastructure, supporting features such as store and forward, fall back to SMS, message archiving and fall back to notifications. 

However, the company said the product is integrated with WebRTC, which supports real time contextual communications and saves costs for businesses wanting P2P communication without the infrastructure required. 

Enterprises and app developers will also have access to the Fuze SDK, allowing them to tailor the app for their use.

Acision CEO Adolfo Hernandez told Mobile Europe that the company is looking at a variety of payment options for the app, from traditional per subscriber cost, through sponsored content or a revenue share with the partner. 

Free and premium versions of the app could be launched, with compatibility between the two, he added.

Meanwhile, Acision also unveiled a DISC new product targeted at operators rolling out LTE and Evolved Packet Switch core networks. Using dynamic multi-layer routing mechanisms to control 4G LTE traffic, the product enables operators to manage data traffic by; for example, it claims to avoid potential traffic bottlenecks in advance. 

The DISC’s security features, such as connectivity access control, topology hiding, volumetric traffic measurements and conditional protocol validations, allow operators to connect securely to other networks across 2G, 3G and 4G LTE.

JF Sullivan, EVP Product Management and CMO at Acision, commented: “Our combined DiSC router and broker is hardware independent, allowing operators complete freedom to choose their hardware supplier. It may also be deployed in an operator’s own cloud environment while still delivering telecom grade performance. An intuitive management interface provides a real time view of the connectivity status and current load on all diameter links, enabling easy and non-service affecting reconfiguration. By improving the management, efficiency and scalability of the network with our solution, operators are able to future-proof their LTE investments.”