Anritsu extends LTE backhaul test capabilities

Anritsu has responded to the demand for higher capacity backhaul and data links by updating its optical and backhaul-related test product portfolios.

The test vendor has introduced new functionalities and capabilities to support OEMs and operators in the test and deployment of equipment being deployed to support increased capacity requirements for backhaul, and for hi-capacity links to data centres and server farms.

Jonathan Borrill, Director of Marketing forAnritsu, said that the pending introduction of high frequency, high capacity products to support LTE backhaul were driving new test requirements, with Anritsu adding new frequency capabilities, as well as 4-port capability and noise measurement capabilities to its VectaStar Network Analyzer products.

You can read more about Anritsu’s product launches here:

Anritsu Company Introduces Industry-First Noise Figure Measurement Capability for VectorStar Vector Network Analyzers

VectorStar ME7838A System Frequency Coverage Extended to 750 GHz with 4-port Configuration

Anritsu Company introduces a 4-port configuration for its ME7838A VectorStar that extends the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) measurement system’s capability to 750 GHz and higher. Incorporating a number of design features that result in best-in-class performance, the ME7838A provides R&D engineers designing 4-port or differential millimeter-wave (mm-wave) components with the ability to sweep power across a wide range at frequencies up to 750 GHz using external mm-wave modules without the need for manual attenuators.

The VectorStar ME7838A, the first mm-wave VNA system with real-time power leveling, has best-in-class stability with the widest power level control. The mm-wave system detects IF and RF power and provides correction to the mm-wave power in real time and without the need for software correction feedback. The method delivers stable mmwave power even at low levels and reduces the risk of overdriving power-sensitive mm-wave devices – inherent in other systems. Faster power calibrations are also achieved with the ME7838A VectorStar, compared to competitive mm-wave VNA systems, helping to reduce test time and cost of test.

The 2 Port system configuration includes the MS4640A VectorStar and 3739A/SM6522 test set, which operates mm-wave modules.

Industry-leading performance makes the ME7838A VectorStar Millimeter wave VNA system well suited for a number of emerging high-frequency applications. It can accurately test 4-port components, as well as differential devices, such as amplifiers used in e-band communications systems, automotive collision avoidance systems, airport radar, materials measurement, and homeland security imaging systems.

Anritsu Company Expands Measurement Capability of VectorStar110GHz Broadband VNA System

Anritsu's VectorStar ME7838A broadband Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) platform now has 4-port measurement capability, bringing the inherent advantages of the VectorStar platform to 4-port and differential millimeter-wave (mm-wave) component development. Featuring best-in-class stability and power level control, as well as the broadest frequency coverage of 70 kHz to 110 GHz in a compact design, the ME7838A offers R&D engineers a highly accurate test tool that reduces measurement times, controls cost-of-test, and helps improve time to market.

The ME7838A broadband VNA system utilizes an advanced design that eliminates the need for large, heavy mm-wave modules and coax combiners. This design allows the ME7838A to be mounted on a smaller probe station using standard positioners. Direct connections to the probes can be achieved in a 2 port configuration due to the design, further reducing space requirements, while eliminating high-frequency cable loss and improving the system’s raw directivity. In a 4 port system the compact size of the MM-wave modules means short RF cables can be used to provide best available dynamic range and performance. Because of this, the ME7838A delivers industry-best stability and longer measurement cycles between calibrations.

The system configuration includes the MS4640A VectorStar and 3739A test set, which operates the mm-wave modules. In addition to the widest broadband frequency coverage, the ME7838A system has best-in-class RF performance, due to a real-time power leveling control that provides the best power accuracy and stability to power levels as low as -55 dBm. The system has industry-best dynamic range of 108 dB at 65 GHz and 107 dB at 110 GHz, and the fastest measurement speed of 55 ms for 201 points at 10 kHz IFBW.

Anritsu introduces new 28G/32G Multi Channel Modules for the MP1800A Signal Quality Analyzer (SQA)

Anritsu introduces new 32Gbit/sBit Error Rate Tester (BERT) modules with built-in Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG) and Error Detector (ED). In this new configuration for high speed optical device and interconnect testing, the MP1800A supports signal integrity analysis with high-quality high-amplitude signal output levels and Error Detection with high input sensitivity.  

As the constant increase in Internet traffic and other IP data links continues, all global network service providers are being challenged to provide increased network capacity to carry the huge data volumes in/out of data centers, servers, and across long haul data links. To support this, the data rate technology, in all sections of telecom networks and computing connectivity, is increasing to support 100Gbit/s and heading to 400Gbit/s, and new designs of electrical and optical components and modules are coming to the market to enable this evolution.

Anritsu will introduce four new modules for the MP1800A, which offer both increased channel density and improved configuration flexibility. Simultaneous pure PRBS signal generation and BER analysis are supported on up to 4 channels per each PPG and ED module. Each channel in the new 32Gbit/s cards allow data pattern synchronization and individual delay setting for high accuracy crosstalk evaluation when transmitting multi-channels.