Acision launches enhanced personalised messaging services on-demand

Acision’s enhanced personalised messaging services are now available from within the Acision cloud. As part of Acision’s Cloud Service Store, personalised messaging will be the first set of services offered from a library of proven and innovative value-added services on demand. Acision will continue to launch a series of cloud-based services over the coming months, which operators can quickly and cost-effectively offer to users to encourage increased service uptake and customer satisfaction while driving up ARPU.

Mobile messaging is at the heart of mobile operators’ service offerings and still has enormous growth potential if packaged and leveraged in the right way. To ensure continued growth, Acision has introduced a number of proven personalised messaging services now optimised for cloud delivery, which have the potential to increase messaging revenues by 15%. By launching these services in the cloud, mobile operators can rapidly capitalise on high levels of subscriber interest in personalised messaging services and scale costs as service usage grows. This balance of service utilisation and costs assures more predictable profit margins for the operator.

Jorgen Nilsson, Chief Executive at Acision, commented: “Acision’s cloud based personalised messaging services provide operators with significant growth potential addressing the unique needs of different subscriber segments and making messaging an even more personal and valued medium. Acision recognised that operators can profit from value added services in the cloud by easily launching innovative services which increase customer stickiness and initiate new revenue streams.  We launched our Cloud Services Delivery Model to ensure that operators can take advantage of easily monetised messaging services with minimum expenditure and investment. This model is particularly important as we move to an IP messaging world with new and novel messaging features, which operators will want to launch rapidly for fast user adoption and revenue generation.”

Today the Acision Cloud Personalised Messaging Services library includes Group Messaging, Auto-Reply and Auto-Signature, Message Copy, Personalised Black / White list, Distribution List, Multi-SIM, Alias and Divert.

Acision’s Auto-Reply and Auto-Signature capitalise on widely adopted email behaviour by sending automatic replies or signatures, a service which is perfect for enterprise customers. Similarly, Message Copy is an ideal enterprise feature which allows users to automatically copy or forward messages onto other devices. Acision Distribution List, meanwhile, enables a subscriber to send a single message to multiple destinations which have been grouped into a list by selecting a predefined destination address. The service generates large volumes of messaging traffic for the operators and appeals to high ARPU customers.

More personalised services include Acision Personalised Black/White Listing, which address subscriber privacy and/or parental control concerns by allowing subscribers to selectively control communications streams through time and content service rules.  For example, white lists can be used as the “trusted” list for parental control and black lists can be created where users want messages blocked.  Finally, Acision Nickname/Alias enables the user to mask a mobile number with an alias or nickname, providing a heightened level of personalisation to the messaging experience.

Nilsson concluded: “Launching our proven personalised messaging services in the cloud is just the start of a clear roadmap of services which we will launch over the coming months, ensuring we continually add value to the operator and their customers. The fact that these services are based in the cloud means that operators can easily trial services with early adopters and refine them accordingly to increase the likelihood of wider uptake.”

More information about Acision’s Cloud Based Personalised Messaging Services.