Vimpelcom extends Sicap’s service browsing to four subsidiaries

Sicap, long term mobile solution partner to the Vimpelcom group, has announced the integration of its value-added mobile service menu browser solution into subsidiary networks.

In the Vimpelcom network, branded as Beeline, sicap UMB (USSD Menu Browser) is an interactive and user-friendly interface to over 2000 USSD menu items. Subscribers can now scroll down and choose the service they need, from prepaid credit checks and topups, to subscription options and information services such as weather reports, finance or chat. The UMB platform has interactive options and bookmarking so that subscribers have readily available information at their fingertips at all times. And because it uses the USSD channel; a return message to a subscriber request takes no longer than 2 to 3 seconds.

In Russia, Vimpelcom network users rapidly adopted UMB menu browsing for its speed, simplicity and convenience. The extension of UMB services to four new subsidiaries in the CIS, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan and Georgia, brings the number of subscribers who benefit from the browser up to over 70 million.

Behind the scenes, Sicap UMB has allowed Vimpelcom to bring all its services under one access code, simplifying content updates and marketing efforts, and providing statistics on service usage.

“Simplicity is a key concept at sicap,” said Мг. Yury Morzeev, Head of Operations, at sicap Moscow, “and we believe that simple services are a great way for Vimpelcom to maintain its excellent brand image, while gaining in efficiency and reducing service costs.

“In our essentially prepaid market, with mobile devices arriving in the network from many different sales channels, the sicap browser has all the ideal attributes. It works on any device, whether on the home network or roaming, and whatever the credit balance,” said Мг. Alexander Molozhavsky, Senior Project Manager of Vimpelcom.