Encouraging sign for Blackberry – 9900 and 9300 seeing strong demand?

I’ve had a note from phoneLot.com saying that the new Blackberry’s 9900/9300 smartphones, built on its Blackberry 7 OS, are holding up well on one online trading platform. Dan Quinn of for wholesale and retail exchange phoneLot.com said that demand for the 9900 and 9930 has been high, “outstripping supply and helping the seller community to maintain an average premium price of €460 since its launch last week.

Quinn said that this is better news for Blackberry than it saw after its Playbook launch in April.

“The Playbook caught many traders by surprise as  them found themselves holding stock or selling off for a loss after the anticipated demand for the new tablet failed  to materialise. Reports from many sources suggested that some traders failed to shift any of their original stock creating a unplanned fire sale which saw prices drastically dropped across the three models over the following month,” he writes.

So there we are, just one small indicator from the open market that there is demand out there for these two devices.