SendMyTxt Develops First Safety SMS Service

Following the abduction and murder of his daughter Lucie Blackman in July 2000, SendMyTxt has worked with Tim Blackman to build the SafetyText application, a unique delayed text messaging service designed to protect anyone, anywhere in the world with GSM network coverage.

SafetyText is a breakthrough service, providing peace of mind to anyone who feels vulnerable in a given situation.  It works by a one off registration online and then the mobile phone owner has total control of a powerful application. They send full details of where they are going and with whom via a text. Once the user arrives safely home (or their destination), they then ‘cancel’ the text message, and no one ever receives it.

However, if something does happen to the user, and they are therefore unable to cancel their message, it is sent to the user’s chosen Buddy who is alerted in the time span specified by the user. The information provided can include who the user was meeting and where they were going. It could also contain details such as car registration numbers and descriptions, which is helpful if someone is getting a lift from a stranger or travelling alone in a taxi.

Tony Coyne, Director of SendMyTxt, explains: “Traditionally SMS is an instant response communication tool; this is why we have developed a brand new way of utilising text messaging in a timed environment that can be used on all mobile devices. Delayed text messaging has formed the backbone of the SafetyText service. This technology does not discriminate against age, colour or creed and is secure enough not to dictate or judge the user keeping each message as unique and individual as the person who sends it.”

Tim Blackman, Lucie’s father, adds: “In the aftermath of Lucie’s death, I have become very much more aware of how often terrible things happen to children and adults alike and felt I wanted to do something – for Lucie – which would really make a difference. Lucie has inspired SafetyText, which is for your protection and backup. As I have unfortunately discovered, you never know what tomorrow will bring.”

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