February issue plans – information for inclusion


We are currently putting together our February issue, which is the one that will be distributed just prior to, and at, the event itself. This will include a number of features, including the below features that we still have room for comment/ input into. Please contact me if you think you have something to add on any of these topics.

MWC Preview
A rundown of what the top topics will be at MWC – includes interviews with operators attending the event, and sector specific breakdown of key exhibitors.
What we need: What you will be exhibiting and demonstrating at the event – and why visitors should take time out to visit your stand.

WAC Attack

The Wholesale Applications Community will launch during Mobile World Congress, with a live event on the 14th where Peters Suh, CEO will detail the commercial launch of the Wholesale Applications Community. A number of CEOs from member organisations will be demonstrate the full commercial launch of WAC-enabled application stores, operator storefronts and WAC devices supporting the latest widgets. WAC wants to unite a fragmented applications marketplace – will it succeed?.
What we need: Your views on WAC’s approach – its likely success or otherwise, appeal to developers and potential for revenue generation for operators.

Customer Experience Management

What is customer experience management? What has it come to mean within the industry and what is its importance to the ongoing profitability and relevance of the mobile operator? Is the vision of the customer-centric, personalised service achievable or just so much rhetoric? If it can be achieved, then what do operators need to do to get there?
What we need: Answers to the above questions.

