Telsis wins IP corporate connections deal with Vodafone Netherlands

Following a three month trial, Vodafone is to deploy upgraded Telsis protocol conversion platforms, enabling it to offer large public and private sector enterprises a direct connection to its network via SIP, the voice over IP protocol, in addition to a range of existing legacy connection schemes.

Vodafone customers will experience a contemporary integrated fixed and mobile voice solution enabling their unified communications to increase efficiency, manageability, and to save costs, says Telsis.

Vodafone solution manager Jo Smits said: “We have a large number of Telsis protocol converters at multiple sites throughout the Netherlands and over the last five years they have enabled us to position Vodafone as the country’s most flexible operator. They allow enterprise customers to connect their PBXs and ACDs to our network using almost any standards-based legacy protocol they choose, as well as proprietary versions. We’re getting increasing interest in SIP as organisations begin migrating to SIP based PBXs. So the question was could Telsis move Vodafone and its customers smoothly into the world of IP?

“The Telsis roadmap for voice platforms offers several different options for creating even greater value for our direct connect customers by adding intelligence and applications, but for now Telsis has proved conclusively that it has a very thorough understanding of SIP. Telsis not only delivered a fully standards compliant solution for the trial, but demonstrated that at very short notice it can deliver proprietary flavours of the protocol too. As a result, we’ll soon be offering IP connectivity to our customers, starting with one of our Telsis sites and upgrading the rest in a phased programme as customer demand continues to grow.”

Telsis products are said to be in use with major mobile and fixed network operators worldwide. The company has an extensive range of carrier-grade infrastructure solutions including SMS Routing and IN voice platforms, as well as media gateways for NGN and VoIP support.