SIM-based instant messaging protects revenues for operators

Axalto has launched a SIM-based instant messaging application for mobile users. Axalto hopes SIMapse will help mobile operators builds on the growing popularity of Instant Messaging (IM) among Internet users in order to open up a new SMS (short message service) revenue stream for mobile operators.

The SIMapse application combines the SMS channel with a Java SIM-based solution, meaning mobile users can develop contact lists and receive online alerts about their contacts. Presence notification means users know whether their contacts are online or not and can  reply instantly to messages they receive. The mobile industry is hoping that online status and presence alerts will encourage users to communicate, generating more SMS traffic.
SIMapse brings to mobile instant messaging features such as one touch log-in and log-out, contact lists with corresponding details, message history, and one-touch messaging to multiple users.
Users can also change handsets while retaining their preferred service as the solution is SIM-based. Axalto says that applet communication protocols allow for interoperability and compatibility across instant messaging service providers, extending the advantages of SIMapse to a wider range of subscribers.
Axalto’s solution uses Java SIM cards and SIM Toolkit technology, providing operators with a familiar means to extend IM services to all their subscribers.  
“SIMapse is an ideal way for operators to replicate the success of instant messaging in the wireless world,” commented Philippe Vrignaud, director mobile communications at Axalto. “The business case is very straightforward for our mobile telecommunication operator clients, and, based on the strong appetite and familiarity young users currently demonstrate for this interactive approach, we anticipate rapid adoption of this technology.”
Although there have been concerns about mobile instant messaging perhaps cannibalising SMS revenues in the mobile IP world, this approach maintains the use of the SMS channel.
Despite the fears about IM, the industry has recognised the potential as well. Recently, Microsoft signed an agreement with Openwave to integrate its instant messaging client into Openwave’s latest version of its mobile browser technology.