Able Device makes IoT transfer request SIM plea – BICS

Simplifies the use of private networks for IoT activity

Robots, automatons and devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) can now switch between public and private networks to their heart’s (AKA CPU’s) content, thanks to a new deal struck by Global IoT enablerBICS and SIM-creative Able Device. The partnership will add SIMbae, Able Device’s software agent for SIM and eSIMs, to BICS’ range of IoT services to make it easier for devices to switch between private and public networks on a global scale.

The invention simplifies the use of private networks for IoT activities because traditionally devices have to switch manually between a private and public networks. This causes massive performance issues for machine-to-machine and IoT applications. Instead, the SIMbae applet sits on top of a SIM or eSIM and helps it swap to stronger connections automatically. Its software also has useful security features like debugging and encryption.

Divya Ghai Wakankar, BISC’ VP Enterprise Market and Marketing, said Able Device’s applet software “harmonises seamless mobility” of connected devices.

Historically, SIMs have had limited value by nature of being passive processors that require external input to trigger a predefined function. The SIMbae applet turns them into active processors in IoT systems that don’t need external input. This automates the more technical telecoms aspects of the IoT and private networks for enterprise customers – reducing the barriers to implementation.

“We’re very proud to be to be working with BICS to address the global market for enterprise mobility solutions”, said Roger Dewey, CEO of Able Device. “Our agreement illustrates the benefits and utility of SIMbae across the connected device solution value chain.” 

BICS supports IoT connectivity and roaming with a backbone network of 200 countries.