Orange outlines €1.5 billion skills and retraining programme

The programme, part of Orange’s Engage 2025 strategy, aims to strengthen and update the skills of its 148,000 employees, while helping attract new talent.

Orange said by 2025 it expects its workforce will be more international, more focused on buisness-to-business and younger. 

The €1.5 billion programme will offer training to develop 20,000 experts in network virtualisation, cloud, data, artificial intelligence, code and cybersecurity.

There will also be a push on the use and understanding of data, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity across all business lines, particularly marketing and network management teams.

Orange plans to offer ‘soft skills’ training to all staff to boost collaboration across the company.

“Sustainable transformation”

The training will be delivered via an expanded Orange Campus, on-the-job training and a new Apprentice Training Centre to launch this summer.

Valérie Le Boulanger, Orange Group Executive Director of Human Resources, said, “It is important for us to confirm our commitment, as a leading and responsible player, to providing further training in digital professions for all our employees and offering additional development and support.

“We believe that Orange’s sustainable transformation will depend on each and everyone’s ability to learn in new ways and to share their knowledge and expertise, and that the combination of technical and soft skills is one of the keys to our future success.”