Telia Sweden, DNA open up NB-IoT for fresh innovation


Telia Sweden and Finland’s DNA have launched separate projects aimed at strengthening the NB-IoT ecosystem.

Swedish companies and public bodies have been invited to take part in the Future by Lund innovation project, a local government scheme powered by Telia Sweden’s network.

Organisations are encouraged to use NB-IoT to build and test new smart city solutions.

The first solution, Smart Public Environments, is already being tested. It offers cycle data, the monitoring of critical infrastructure, the cultivation of cities, and smart waste management.

Magnus Leonhardt, Strategy and Innovation Manager at Telia Sweden, said: “Future by Lund acts as an ecosystem where different actors contribute their unique capabilities and collaborate to create smart solutions for sustainable social development. For us, this is an exciting test bed for technology such as Narrowband IoT, where our partners can work with technology to solve real challenges in the city.”

[Read more: Telia looks to solve traffic jams through anonymised data]

Meanwhile, DNA’s #iotnextlevel competition is aiming to showcase how the Internet of Things can improve three businesses.

The participating companies are the cement manufacturer Finnsementti, food company Snellman Pro and office interior company Martela. Each of the companies said they wanted to explore how intelligent data could change its processes.

Three specialist teams have been tasked with building the best solutions for the three companies. The winners will be selected by the end of May before their solutions are trialled at each company.

Paula Miettinen, Director of Corporate Marketing at DNA, said: “The technical capacities of the Internet of Things are developing rapidly and IoT will bring many benefits to those who know how to take advantage of it.”

The operator covers more than 85 percent of the country with its NB-IoT network.