MNT Forum 2017

16 – 17 May 2017

The 7th mobile network testing forum, an international mobile network industry event hosted by RohdeSchwarz, will take place in Munich, Germany, on May 16 and 17, 2017.

Date: 16 – 17 May 2017
Location: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG.
Entrance Technology Center
Ampfingstrasse 7
Munich 81671

 The forum provides an opportunity for industry professionals to discuss hot topics in the cellular ecosystem and their test and measurement implications, from NB-IoT to massive MIMO and from mobile video to 5G.

Conference presentations from leading mobile network operators, regulators, service provider, infrastructure suppliers and from Rohde & Schwarz will cover the following topics:

  • The path to 5G, including coverage measurements
  • Innovations in network architecture and mobile device design and their test implications
  • Planning, installation and optimization of 4×4 MIMO
  • Spectrum monitoring and interference hunting
  • Mobile video quality testing Small cells, DAS systems and indoor network deployment
  • The requirements of IoT and M2M network traffic

Live and interactive demonstrations of the latest developments in test technology to address mobile network testing will take place alongside the conference. Additionally, there will be opportunities to network with fellow professionals and to consult test technology specialists.

Since the number of participants is limited, please register as early as possible. Participation is free of charge and meals are included. Please note that accommodations and travel expenses are not included.

Please register here:

Password: Event2017

Deadline for registration: May 8, 2017