Deutsche Telekom says 5G is reaching “critical phase” as lessons get learned

Development of 5G is reaching a “critical phase”, Deutsche Telekom’s Group CTO has said, as the operator said the initial results from its 5G Lab are bearing fruit in its products and services.

The operator set up the lab with the Dresden University of Technology a year ago, to consider particularly advances in network coding and low-latency communications. These have been integrated into its IP television platform EntertainTV, the operator said.

Groundwork achieved at the lab also informed its 5G demonstration at IFA 2016 in Berlin, where they showcased the advantages of low latency in online gaming, and is underpinning its digital test field along the A9 motorway in southern Germany, it added.

Deutsche Telekom is working with Ericsson and BMW, as well as Telefónica Germany and Vodafone Germany, and various research institutes and government agencies, to build a 30-kilometre long test track for research and development of 5G infrastructure and applications for cars and trains. 

Bruno Jacobfeuerborn, CTO at Deutsche Telekom, said: “The initial phase of getting to know each other did not take long. Instead, we quickly began interacting and exchanging know-how on a more frequent basis and, before you knew it, we brought 5G Lab Germany on board for key projects. This was certainly a good decision because the development and research on 5G is entering a critical phase.”

It said its 5G experiments will gather pace next year. “In 2017, this collaboration is set to intensify at all levels,” it said. Further demonstrations would be held at Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona in February.