Nokia continues services shift with optimisation push

Nokia has pushed further into services, this time focusing on optimisation, as it looks to improve how operators manage their networks.

It has launched an NPO (network planning and optimisation) Transformation service, which it said would reduce time spent on network planning and free up operators to concentrate on “customer-centric” tasks.

The vendor carries out a network assessment of an operator’s operations, which it said gives them a view of their current performance based on productivity, capital expenditure and customer satisfaction.

Nokia said it can then use this data to develop a transformation plan that concentrates on roles, processes and tools to improve network performance.

The vendor said the goal is to shift operations away from reactive to predictive. It said NPO Transformation could be used in conjunction with its recently launched AVA platform to help use existing infrastructure more efficiently and accurately predict what future investments need to be made.

Among the features of NPO transformation are using drones and 3D geolocation to offer a “more rounded” view of how a network operators.

Dennis Lorenzin, Head of Network Planning and Optimisation at Mobile Networks in Nokia, said: “The Nokia NPO Transformation service offers operators a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to free them from many of their daily planning and optimization tasks, allowing them to focus on their strategic business goals.”

The announcement is the latest in a flurry of recent service launches, which include cloud management and mobile edge computing.