VIDEO: Better cooperation needed to solve VoLTE issues, claims Turkcell CTO

Operators need to work harder to solve issues with VoLTE interconnection, the CTO of Turkcell has said in an exclusive video interview.

Ilker Kuruoz launched LTE services across Turkey earlier this month, after the country finally opened up the necessary spectrum.

Turkcell jumped straight to LTE-Advanced and Kuruouz said VoLTE is available on the network, although terminal compatibility is an issue they are trying to deal with.

However, he said more work needs to be done across the industry to improve the technical difficulties that can come with installing VoLTE, particularly surrounding interconnection.

He said: “Operators should find a solution for that so VoLTE should become the standard for voice calling within a couple of years.”

Kuruoz also discussed the operators plans for developing and implementing 5G, and how the country’s recent spectrum auction will benefit them with that shift.

Watch the full video interview below. Kuruoz was speaking at Mobile Europe’s third annual CTO of the Year dinner. The award was won by Deutsche Telekom’s Bruno Jacobfeuerborn.

You can watch video interviews with Proximus’s Geert Standert and Orange’s Christian Luginbuhl. Next week Mobile Europe will publish video interviews with CTOs from Vimpelcom, T-Mobile Czech Republic and with Jacobfeuerborn himself.