Interphone – release and reporting has been a shambles

UPDATE 14:15 – Working link to the report

As you can see, we’ve been sent a link to the report.

The GSMA and the IARC have decided that keeping up the pretence of an embargo around the Interphone report publication is a waste of time.

Accordingly the GSMA has de-embargoed its press release. And the IARC has made its launch release live as well. IARC is also providing a link to the report (which was not supposed to be publicly available until tomorow) but I still can’t see a link to report itself on the IJE site. Am I being thick?

This is the IARC page which provides a link to the report. I can’t see the Interphone/WHO report there, can you?

The IARC media guy isn’t available as he’s in Geneva (no phones in Geneva), and has left his staff to refer people to the website.

This is a ten year epidemological report into specific data regarding brain tumours. I can remember when it was set up. Up until that point whenever health concerns around mobile were raised, the industry, quite rightly, was able to say that the industry was too young, and the research too short term to make any qualitative analysis.

What was required was a long term epidemiological study, it argued. This is it – this is ten years of work involving 21 scientists, case-control studies in 13 countries involving thousands of cases. It has cost €19.2 million (€5.5 from the mobile industry).

And the handling of its release and reporting has been a shambles. A total shambles.