Orange set to run developer boot camp in France

Nokia, Intel, Symbian, Palmsource, Microsoft, Sybase & Sony Ericsson to present and workshop with developers at Orange Code Camp

Orange has announced that some of the biggest names in the mobile industry are due to appear at Orange Code Camp – the three-day event designed to help the developer community create new applications for both present and next generation mobiles.

Orange Code Camp has been designed for members of the Orange Partner programme to stimulate the creation of new and exciting applications for a variety of different mobile phone operating systems. Many of those applications will then be available for Orange customers to purchase for use on their mobile phone, such as dynamic tube maps, games, mobile office programmes and even location based services. Orange has even set up a next generation (3G) laboratory on the site, which will enable developers to test their applications within a controlled, third-generation network environment.

250 developers will be camping at the event – which takes place between 13th and 15th September at Futuroscope, Poitiers, France. Each attendee will be provided with a sleeping bag, a wash kit and 24 hour access to Orange and industry developer personnel. The main sponsor is Nokia and executives from the company, along with the events’ other sponsors Intel, Symbian, Palmsource, Microsoft, Sybase and SonyEricsson are attending the event to present and run workshops with delegates. Sanjiv Ahuja, CEO of Orange, will open the event and give a keynote speech.

As well as a unique networking opportunity, the event will allow developers to:

* Actively code, build and customise applications for possible commercialisation through Orange
* Learn about and fully understand Orange mobile application requirements and the various routes-to-market
* Become familiar with development, testing certification and validation requirements from Orange and the various Operating Systems
* Physically test applications against devices across the Orange 2G and 3G networks

Nokia, in conjunction with Orange, is launching its Symbian OS/Series 60 Developer Challenge at the event. The challenge will run for six months and tasks the developer community with creating exciting applications specifically for use on the Nokia 6630, the Series 60 GPRS/WCDMA/EDGE smartphone. The ultimate prize is the chance for the application to be commercialised over the Orange network.

Nokia’s Java Challenge – which was launched at Java One in San Francisco  earlier in the summer – will also have a presence at the event, with Nokia and Orange working with the shortlisted developers to enhance and further develop their applications.

The PalmSource developer contest also reaches its climax at the event, with the company offering the first prize of a Segway Human Transporter for the developer who creates the most compelling Palm OS wireless application.

Sony Ericsson will also be giving away 50 K700i camera phones in a sweepstake at the event.

Richard Hanscott, Vice President Business Development and Partnerships, said: “The mobile industry is evolving and our customers are demanding more services than ever before. This is happening at a time when our portfolio or powerful phones is growing and the capabilities of our networks are expanding. All of this means that the time is now right to engage with the developer community and deliver our customers more advanced and exciting – and above all, beneficial – services.”

“Orange Code Camp has been created to do just that. It is designed to energise the developer community through an engaging, informal and productive series of presentations and networking opportunities which in turn will stimulate the development of exciting and innovative applications and services for our customers from members of the Orange Partner programme.”

Hanscott added: “Innovation comes through freedom of thought and freedom of creativity.  With Orange Code Camp, we will be creating just that environment of freedom, giving developers the tools, encouragement and access that will enable them to explore, create and innovate.”

Tickets for Orange Code Camp have now sold out. However, future Orange Code Camps are expected to take place in America, Europe and Asia over the next year.

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