Samsung develops 2.5Gb multi-chip for 3G phones

Samsung Electronics, announced today that it has developed a 2.5Gigabit (Gb) four-die multi-chip package (MCP) designed for use in third generation mobile phones. Samsung’s newest MCP, with 2Gbs of NAND Flash and 512Mbs of mobile DRAM, is the highest capacity memory device currently available for mobile applications

By combining more multimedia data storage at a low power consumption rate, this MCP offers cell phone designers the ability to add new functionality to next generation mobile phones without sacrificing space or performance.

The MCP encompasses two 1Gb NAND flash memory devices for data storage and two 256Mb mobile DRAMs that serve as a temporary buffer, for a total of four dies stacked in a single chip package. The new device operates on as little as 1.8 volts, yet can fully support the transmission of quarter video graphics array (QVGA) quality video for up to four hours of video data.

Samsung’s new high density MCP helps handset manufacturers stay competitive by enabling a higher level of functionality in phone features such as still cameras and video data services.  Digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), also supported by this MCP, has also become a common service option for mobile phones and is quickly spreading to other portable devices such as PDAs and to receivers in automobiles.  All of these products inevitably require sophisticated memory technology such as the high densities, flexibility and smaller footprint that MCPs solutions deliver. 

The market research firm, IDC, forecasts that sales of 3rd-generation mobile phones will see 67% CAGR from 2004 to 2008.  Samsung is positioned to offer total mobile memory solutions through its competitive product portfolio ranging from DRAMs, SRAMs, UtRAMs and flash memories.       

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Samsung Electronics