Masternaut’s world-first web alert keeps a 24hr watchful eye on vehicle activity

Masternaut has launched an intelligent auto-alert system to keep a watchful eye on a vehicle fleet 24 hours a day. The first-ever system using ‘always on’ internet and mobile phone services to give real-time alerts around the clock. Flash warnings about unauthorised vehicle use or entry into zones and barred locations can be sent to any PC or mobile device using the internet and SMS. The alerts are triggered by data received automatically from vehicle satellite tracking receivers and other electronic sensors.

Part of the web based Masternaut fleet information service, the M-Messenger alert system processes electronic vehicle data against stored location information. The fleet controller, owner or driver can be immediately alerted, anytime and wherever they are. M-Messenger can instantly alert any suspected theft, unauthorised use, arrival and departure from site, congestion zones, barred locations, excessive speed and traffic jams. If out of the office alerts can be re-directed to mobile phones or handled by Masterrnaut’s 24 hour service centre.

Masternaut developed the service following demand from its subscribers who tend to be very busy commercial companies focussed on customer service.  “Live information on vehicles and resources via the web is a big step forward for industry.  However, the trick is to make information available only when it is needed.  Busy managers do not have time to keep an eye on their fleet all the time.  M-Messenger uses the live information in an intelligent way to simply alert managers, or drivers, when their attention is needed” says Martin Port, Managing Director of Masternaut.

The movements of over 12000 vehicles throughout Europe are managed in real time using the Masternaut service. The company has also seen rapid uptake of a new handheld technology that gives live information on service, delivery or sales calls and navigates the driver to their appointment or job.

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